Wednesday, October 17, 2012

I Heart Faces October Challenge | Friendship

 My little lady in yellow and her friends.

This photo was submitted to the I Heart Faces photo challenge –

Photo Challenge Submission

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Tippy Toes

Before I ever had kids, I had fantasizes about bringing my yet to be conceived daughter to dance classes and how an experience like this could do so much for her mind, body and soul.   I've always enjoyed dance but never took classes growing up and so I wanted to give that experience to my future child.  If thats what she wanted to do.  So when I saw my first born twirling and mimicking the moves she saw while watching Angelina Ballerina, well my heart did a little jump for joy.  She was enrolled in a Twinkle Toes group at a local studio and is loving every minute of it!  

Living a dream.

Doing so well with her chassé

She gets extremely excited when the teacher brings out the bean bags to practice their Jetes.

Getting a stamp at the end of class is always very exciting.

I would love to hear how you help your kids shine.