Friday, November 22, 2013

Fall 2013

FAll 2013 thus far...


  1. Awesome photography and editing!

    Such editing is now easy and more professional with Photo Lab Picture Editor. It's face effects, art frames is a popular photo editing application for Android. You can use the various effects and filters to completely transform the images. Make the photo look like a painting or a digital art with the use this application. The airbrush and sand effect are really impressive and worth trying.

  2. Mind-blowing photography!

    You can use a baby photo editing app to make images more beautiful. Baby Pics is such a super editor for processing photos of babies and more. Capture the moments of pregnancy and how your baby grows and edit.

  3. Very impressive photography. For instant photo editing most novice photographers use PicMonkey or TouchRetouch photo editing apps. Among these two apps, TouchRetouch is very user-friendly. TouchRetouch has some outstanding features. Anyone can remove unwanted objects, line movement, photo retouching in a click, crop and edit photos, magic color correction and finally the same retouching flow. So, this app is a perfect photo editing app.
