Thursday, July 25, 2013


I'm going to have to be honest... I think I've missed a lot of days this month in my photo challenge.  And I'am OK with that.  I think my challenge has served its purpose.  So now I am with left with two options.  1. Stop challenge and only post photos I want to share or 2. Keep going with it and just call July a break.

July 3rd, day 184.

There's so many reasons floating in my head as to why I should throw in the towel.  I've missed days, I've already failed the challenge.  Sharing only my favorite photos means less time spent on editing images I don't care about.  I often find myself scrambling at the end of the day to take a random picture just to meet my self challenge.

But maybe that just means there's still more for me to learn yet.

So maybe I wont have 365 consecutive days of photos, but I will have so many memories documented for my kiddos from this year.

July 4th, day 185.
Pop its in pumps.

July 5th, day 186.
and that's a good incentive for me to go with option 2. 
July 6th, day 187.

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